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Birth: His World War I draft registration card gives his birth date a 18 June 1884. His death certificate gives his birth date as 20 January 1885. On the 1900 US Census return his birth date is listed as May 1884. I am using the Draft Registration as he was giving the information to the recorder, rather than a third party. | Gaughan, John Andrew (I11063)
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Birth: Holt (1984) gives his birth as 1786. | Dunham, Johnson (I856)
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Birth: In her letter, Sandra Hayton, gives his birth date as 14/7/1934. She was unable to send a copy of the birth records, as their printer was not operational. | Gladwin, Francis "Frank" (I848)
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Birth: In the 1870 and 1880 Census' he lists his birth place as Ireland. In the 1900, he lists his birth place as Maryland which is how it appears on his death certificate. However, in the 1860 Census, his parents listed his birth place as Maryland. I can only conclude that after 1880, he discovered that he was born in Maryland rather than in Ireland. | Daley, Thomas (I11787)
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Birth: It appears that Katie did not know the date when she was born. The date varies, and on her marriage license it states she is now thirty four (34) years of age. Since she appears in a census a year earlier, this too is questionable. | Boyle, Catherine L. "Katie" (I6242)
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Birth: Jackson (1854) gives her birth as 1 April 1703. | Ward, Mary (I14781)
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Birth: Judith was 38 years old when she married Welf. | Judith of Flanders Countess of Northumbria (I3308)
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Birth: Litton (2007) gives the date as 1793 and Find-a-Grave gives it as 1792. | Foster, Annis (I10104)
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Birth: Norris (1942) gives her birth year as 1649. | Littlefield, Sarah (I421)
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Birth: On her birth record she is listed as "Mary". | Bass, Sarah (I18601)
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Birth: On his World War II draft registration card, he gives his year of birth as 1907. | Boudreau, Wilfred Peter (I11516)
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Birth: Paige (1877) and Gozzaldi (1930) give his birth as about 1671. | Greenwood, John Esq (I313)
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Birth: Paige (1877) gives his birth date as 23 February 1639. His birth date was recorded as 13 (12) 1639. | Bradish, Samuel (I20215)
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Birth: Pratt (1999) gives her birth date as 23 February 1669. | Wadsworth, Lydia (I2387)
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Birth: Savage (1860) lists his birth date as 8 July 1640. | Gay, Hezekiah (I21135)
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Birth: Sewell (2008) gives her birth date as 1024. | Anne of Kiev (I2990)
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Birth: Sewell gives his birth as about September 1068. | Henry I "Beauclerc" King of England and Duke of Normandy (I2222)
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Birth: Sewell gives his birth date as 13 June 823. | Charles II "the Bald" Holy Roman Emperor and King of France (I3069)
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Birth: She was 29 years old when she died. | Wyatt, Mary (I24075)
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Birth: She was 31 in 1666. | Sevestre, Marguerite (I10308)
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Birth: Stuart (2002) gives her birth date as about 1033. | Hildegarde of Burgundy Duchess consort of Gascony and Aquitaine (I2945)
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Birth: Stuart (2002) gives his birth date as about 1030. | Adalbert III Count of Namur (I4422)
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Birth: Stuart (2002) gives his birth date as March 1226. | Charles I King of Naples, Sicily and Jerusalem (I2960)
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Birth: Stuart (2002) gives his birth year as 816. | Ludolph "the Great" Duke of Saxony (I3113)
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Birth: Stuart (2002) says he was born about 1000. | Adalbert II Count of Namur (I3217)
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Birth: Tanguay (1887) gives his birth date as 1632. | Deblois, Grégoire (I10288)
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Birth: The 1900 Census lists his birth date as November 1890, his WW1 Draft Registration lists it as 22 November 1892, and his Headstone Application and WW2 Draft Registration list it as 22 November 1891. | Travis, Andrew Alphonse (I1133)
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Birth: The date could have been 15 September. | Metcalfe, John (I443)
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Birth: The date is based upon his being 24 in 1669. | Jones, Thomas (I380)
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Birth: The find-a-grave entry gives his birth date as 28 January 1646. "John Stebbins ye son of John Stebbins born ye 11th mon: 28 day 1646" Springfield, Massachusetts". | Stebbins, John (I5990)
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Birth: The New Jersey, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1660-1931 give her birth year as 1889. | Peterson, Alma Agnes (I25032)
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Birth: The New York State, Birth Index, 1881-1942 lists his birth as 14 September 1891. | Roy, Leo Joseph (I5)
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Birth: The published Leominster Vital Records give her birth date as 28 July 1763. | Carter, Elizabeth (I12850)
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Birth: The sources list his birth in the parish of Ate-Croix, Fécamp. I have not been able to find that church or parish in Fécamp. According to LeForest: He was born at Sainte—Croixde Fécamp, capital of the canton in the present department of the Seine- Maritime, in Normandy. I can not be more precise about Sainte—Croix,probably a small church. At Fécamp, there is a river of the same name which empties into the English Channel. | Bonhomme dit Beaupré, Nicolas (I10491)
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Birth: The Watertown records state he was born 15 August 1635 in Watertown. This cannot be correct as he sailed to America with his family. Possibly it was the registration date of the birth. | Stone, Deacon John (I19424)
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Birth: This date is based on his estimated date of marriage. | Greenaway, John (I973)
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Birth: This is the date from the family record. The Shutesbury vital records record his birth as 14 November 1742. | Powers, Asa (I2340)
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Birth: Thurston (1895) gives her birth date as 8 January 1664. | Thurstune, Sarah (I19909)
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Birth: Thurston (1895) gives his birth place as Medfield, Massachusetts. | Thurstune, Deacon Thomas (I19828)
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Birth: von Redlich (1941) and Langston (1974) give his birth date as 21 August 1165. | Philip II "Augustus" King of France (I3143)
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Birth: von Redlich (1941) gives his birth date as 23 June 823. | Charles II "the Bald" Holy Roman Emperor and King of France (I3069)
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Birth: von Redlich (1941) gives his birth year as 1189. | Henry II "the Magnanimous" Duke of Brabant and Lorraine (I3154)
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Birth: von Redlich (1941) gives his birth year as about 1158. | Henry I "the Courageous" Duke of Brabant (I3187)
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Birth: Ward (1851) gives his birth as 27 January 1673. | Greenewood, Thomas (I20525)
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Birth: Ward (1851) gives his birth date as 22 May 1674. | Ward, Jonathan (I14777)
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Birth: Ward (1999) states he was born in 1540, while Find-a-Grave states 1518. I have chosen Find-a-Grave until more information comes my way. | Cope, Edward (I4175)
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Birth: Weis (1976) gives her birth date as 945. | Adelainde of Poitou (I2992)
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Birth: Weis (1982) gives her birth as 1104. | The Empress Maud (I2459)
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Birth: Weis (1982) gives his birth as 1005/11. | Henry I King of France (I2989)
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Birth: Weis (1982) gives his birth date as 1030. | Alfonso VI of León and Castile "the Brave" King of Castile, León, and Navarre (I2980)
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Birth: Weis (1982) gives his birth date as 1061. | William VII "the Troubadour" Count of Poitou (I2942)
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Birth: Weis (1982) gives his birth date as after 939. | Hugh Capet King of France (I2991)
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Birth: White (1900) gives his birth place as Montague, Massachusetts. | Eddy, Lewis George (I1073)
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Birth: Wikipedia gives his birth date as 1407. | Bourchier, William Lord FitzWarin (I7048)
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Birth: Colcord (1908) states he was born in 1611, clearly in error. His birth date was recorded as 11 (9) 1645. | Stevens, Nathaniel (I20774)
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Burial: Either Katherine Delayed almost four years to settle his estate or else this is a burial record of a still earlier generation or perhaps a grandchild. | Warren, William (I1314)
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Burial: His burial date was recorded as 1 (3) 1671. | Parmenter, John (I16234)
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Burial: She was buried in St. Anne's Cemetery, but where that cemetery is remains unknown. | Mack, Anna Barbara "Barbara" (I12094)
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Burial: Tanguay (1887) v3, states he was buried at Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec, Canada. | Delisle, Antoine (I23887)
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Burial: Tanguay (1887) v3, states she was buried at Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec, New France. | Faucher, Marie-Catherine (I17732)
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Burial: the PRDH gives her burial as in St-François. | Deblois, Grégoire (I10288)
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Children: Suffrage and Anna were included as Edward Howe's daughters. This was put forth by Bond (1960) and Savage (1860) based on heirs in the wills of Edward and his wife. This is incorrect. | Howe, Elder Edward (I19464)
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Children: The children are listed in both the Lancaster and the Bolton vital records. | Family: Elias Sawyer / Beatrix Pope (F1174)
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Children: William and Katherine may be the grandparents, not parents, of Susan Warren. | Family: William Warren / Katherine (F1164)
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Christening: There is a record of Joannes Burg, the son of Peter and Anne Marie Burg being Christened on 4 July 1755 in Graach, Prussia. This was a Catholic christening, and normally Catholics are christened within a few weeks of birth, Johannes was born in 1723. Many have used this to take the tree another generation back, but I am certin that the two Joannes are distinct. | Burg, Johannes (I9856)
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Christening: Farwell (1904) makes the claim that Roger was christened 1 September 1594 at St. Peter's Church, Cornhill, London, the son of Ralph Shaw, vintner. This claim can be dismissed as there is no evidence of this linkage. | Shaw, Roger (I1784)
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Christening: Her christening date was recorded as 18 (12) 1650. | Hill, Mehitable (I14548)
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Christening: Her christening date was recorded as 19 (12) 1681/2. | Craft, Alice (I20527)
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Christening: Jackson (1854) gives her christening date as 10 October 1638. | Jackson, Rebecca (I18972)
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Christening: Laforest (1984) vol 5, gives his christening date as 13 May 1620. | Cloutier, Jean (I17754)
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Conflict: Anderson (1999) does not believe that the Francis Baker that sailed on board the Planter, is the same that settled in Yarmouth, Plymouth Colony. | Baker, Francis (I23302)
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Contents: The above are highlights as I see them. Click on the "John Eliot" button to read the Wikipedia article. There is a much more detailed list of John Eliot's activities in Emerson's Genealogy of the Descendants of John Eliot, "Apostle to the Indians," 1598-1905. | Eliot, Rev. John "The Apostle to the Indians" (I19270)
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Date: Weis (1982) gives their marriage date as 1196. | Family: Philip II von Hohenstauffen, Emperor of Germany / Irene Angelica, Queen of Sicily (F2549)
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Date: Weis (1982) gives their marriage date as 1215. | Family: Henry II "the Magnanimous", Duke of Brabant and Lorraine / Maria von Hohenstauffen, Princess of Germany (F2543)
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Death: Ballou (1882) gives his death as 1846. Pope (1897) gives his death as 11 April 1847. | Cheney, Levi (I136)
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Death: Burke (1866) gives his death date as 1228. | de Mowbray, Nigel (I22032)
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Death: Cockaney (1929) gives his death as October 1207 in the Holy Land. Weis (1982) simply as 1207. | Sir Robert II Count de Meulan and d' Elbeuf (I3505)
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Death: Coffin (1845) gives his death as 31 March 1691. | Badger, John (I1918)
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Death: Evans (1963) states that her marriage was annulled and she remarried Helias, Count of Maine. He gives her death as 1110. | Agnes of Aquitaine Queen of León and Castile (I22273)
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Death: Farmer (1829) gives his death date as 7 October 1666. Savage (1860) refutes this. | Pierce, Sgt. Thomas (I20048)
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Death: Find-a-Grave gives her death date as 6 February 1784. | Hawes, Mehitable (I21100)
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Death: Find-a-Grave has an entry for Charles. It gives the death date as 30 May 1695, and his burial in the Notre Dame Basilica, in Montréal. The PRDH gives no death date, nor burial. Jetté (2003) gives 30 May 1695 as a date he was living. I think there is a confusion with the living date and the missing death date in Find-a-Grave. | Hunault, Charles (I18060)
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Death: Gale (1863) and (1864) as well as Wells-Custing (1903) give his death date as 22 August 1692. | Garfield, Joseph (I264)
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Death: GENi states he died about 961. | Aubri Viscount of Narbonne, Count of Mâcon, Sire of Brecon and Salins (I4833)
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Death: Gozzaldi (1930) gives her death date as 26 October 1700. | Stearns, Sarah (I760)
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Death: Greenwood (1914) states he died in Weymouth, Massachusetts. | Greenewood, Thomas (I311)
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Death: Harris (1852), Goodwin (1856), and Metcalf (1898) give his death date as 27 November 1675. | Metcalfe, John (I443)
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Death: He died in the 6th year of the reign of King John. | de Munchensi, William Baron Munchensi (I8047)
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Death: He died on 1 June, year uncertain. | Godfrey Count Palatine of Lotharingia (I6376)
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Death: He was not listed on the 1700 Census. | Dugas, Abraham (I5514)
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Death: He was not mentioned in his father's will of 1591. | Topley, Richard (I24866)
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Death: Her death date was recorded as 17 (1) 1658. | Mary (I1776)
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Death: Her death date was recorded as 20 (4) 1647. | Frost, Elizabeth (I627)
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Death: Her death date was recorded as 23 (2) 1653. | Goodenow, Ursula (I19010)
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Death: Her death date was recorded as 7 (7) 1643. | Richardson, Ruth (I18921)
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Death: Her death date was recorded as 9 (5) 1643. | Agnes (I19920)
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Death: Her death is recorded as 29 (1) 1661. | Martyn, Magdalen (I123)
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Death: Her married name was written as "Hascol" on her death record. | Soule, Patience (I16638)
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Death: Her mother wrote her will on 17 May 1652 and did not mention Mary. | Fisher, Mary (I9757)
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Death: His death date was recorded as 6 (5) 1642. | Bradish, Samuel (I20215)