Deacon John Capen, the son of Bernard and Joan (Purchase) Capen. He was born on 26 January 1612/13 in England. He became a freeman on 14 May 1634 in Dorchester, Massachusetts. On 20 October 1637 John, at age 24, married (1) Radigon Clap, daughter of Nicholas Clap and Elizabeth _____, in Dorchester, Massachusetts. On 9 October 1638 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, Deacon John Capen was mentioned in the will of Bernard Capen. John wrote to Mary Bass, via her father. The following one of his cover letters and two letters:
To his Loueing and kind ffriend Goodman Bass, Deacon of the church at Brantrey, giue this I pray you.
My kind love and erspoect to you wth yor wife remembered, wth thanks for all yor kindness showed vnto me, hoping for yor health and prosperity as my one. The Cause of my writtinge to you at this time, is only this, to make bold wth you to be as a Cloake to cover this my inclosed letter directed to yor daughter, because as yet I know not who may be the bearer heeof, I would intreate you to delieur it vnto her. Ye Contents of it I know she will not hide it from you. Therefore I doe forbeare it my selfe, because I shouse rather breauely but I would intreat her to keep it as private as she can fom others. Thus in hast I rest, desiring yor earnest prayers to god for vs for direction in this greate vndertaking.
Yors to vse in any thing I may
ffrom Dor: this 15 of ye 2d mo. 1647 John Capen
To his Deare and Loueing and much respected ffriend Mary Bass, at her father house in Brantrey, giue this I pray you.
My kind loue and affection to you remembered; haueinge not as convenient opertunety to see and speake wth you soe oft as I could desier, I therfore make bold to take opertunety as occasione offers it selfe to visset you wth my letter, desiering yt it may find acceptance wth you, as a token of my loue to you; as I can assuer you yt yours haue found from me; for as I came home from you ye other day, by ye way I reseaued your letter from your faithfull messenge, wch was welcom vnto me, and for wch I kindly thank you, and do desier y t as it is ye first; so yt it may not be ye last, but it may be as a seed wch will bing forth more frute: and fo your good counsell and aduise in your letter specefied, I doe accept, and do desier yt we may still commend ye casse to god, for direction and cleering vp of our way as I hope wee haue hethertoo done; and yt our long considerations may at ye next time bring forth firme conclussions, I meane verbally thought not fomally. Sweet-harte I haue given you a large ensample of patience, I hope you will leane this instruction from ye same, namely, to show ye like toward me if euer occassion be offered for futuer time, and for ye present, condesendency vnto my request; thus wth my kind loue remembered to yor father and mother and Brothers and sisters wth thanks for all ther kindnes wth haue been vndeserueing in my I rest, leaueing both them and vs vnto ye protection and wise direction of ye almighty.
My mother remembes her loue vnto yor father and mother; as also vnto your slefe thought as it vnknown.
Yors to command in anything I pleas.
ffrom Dor. ye 5th of ye 3 mo. 1647 John Capen
To his Deare and Loueing and Much respoected ffriend Mary Bass, at her fathers house in Brantrey, giue this I pray speed.
My kind Loue and intiere affections to you remembered w th my respet vnto yo r father and mother and loue to yor Brothers and sisters, hopeing of yor health as I am at this time blessed by god. Ye cause of my writting to you at this time is to give you to vnderstand yt Sister Weld send me word ye lst night yt she had some stufs come to her hand, and this day I went thether of purpose to see them, yt soe I may send you word; now she have 3 peeces of stuff, but I think yt ther is but one of them yt you would like for yo self. It is pretty sad stuf, but it have a thred of whit in it: it is 3 quarters broad and ye priz is 5s 6d ye yard. I was hopeing to speake wth father hear to day, but he was gon a little before I came home: alsoe whill I was wth you at Brantrey Sister Swift being at Boston wth Sister Vpsall they boath being at ye hatters shop did thinke vppon you for a hat and chose out ye comlyest fashon hatt yt they could find: (avoiding fantastick fashons) and caused ye man to set it by vntell this first day thinking we should speake wth some of you this day. ye hat was a demecaster, the priz was 24s; ye shop was ye corner shop over against Mr Coggings on ye right hand as on goe up to Mr Cottens house. It was set by wth my name vpon it written on a paper: these things I thought good to aquaint you wth. You may consider of it and doe as you shall thinke good. I cannot be long, because I would faine send this letter to you this night if ther come by any messenger. I am now in good health againe, thanks be to god, and able if opetunety did serue to ride or goe wth you either to Waymouth or Boston to yor wedding. Thus in hast I rest, leaueing ou to ye protection of ye almighty. I could be glad to hear a few lines from you if opertunety of a messenger did serue.
Yor Loueing husband till death.
Dor. this 1 of ye 5 mo. 1647 John Capen.
He deposed on 19 November 1652. He affirmed that his father's will was made in the year 1638. He was John witnessed Indian deed of Dorchester in 1671. He left a will on 11 September 1690 in Dorchester, Massachusetts. He died on Sunday 6 April 1692 in Dorchester, Massachusetts. John's gravestone inscription reads:
Here Lyes Buried ye
Body of Captn John
Capen he was Deacon
Of ye Church of Christ
In Dorchester He Decd
April ye 6th 1692
In ye 80th Year of Age
1. Joanna Capen (1638-1638)
2. John Capen (1639-1681)
3. Samuel Capen (1648-1733)
4. Bernard Capen (1650-1691)
5. Mary Capen (1652-1678)
6. baby Capen (1654-1654)
7. James Capen (1654-1717)
8. Preserved Capen (1657-1708)
9. Joseph Capen (1658-1725)
10. Hannah Capen (1662-____)
11. Elizabeth Capen (1666-c1679)
12. Samuel Capen (1667-____) |
Patriarch & Matriarch |
Deacon Samuel Bass, b. Abt 1600, Saffron Walden, Essex, England d. 30 Dec 1694, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts  (Age 94 years) (Father) Anne Savil, c. 26 Apr 1601, Saffron Walden, Essex, England d. 5 Sep 1693, Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts  (Age ~ 92 years) (Mother)  |