Name |
John Fairebanke |
Relationship | with Robert Alan Roy
Birth |
Abt 1560 |
Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [1] |
Will |
4 Aug 1625 (65 years) |
Thornton in Craven, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [1] |
In his will of 4 August 1625 he mentions his wife, Ellen, and his children: Jonathan, Marie, Susanna, and Abigail. It reads as follows:
In the name of God amen The Fourth daye of August in the first yeare of the raigne of our most gratious and Soueraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England Scotland Fraunce & Ireland defender of the faith etc Anno Dmi 1625 I John Fairebanke of Thaigh within the parrishe of Thornton in Craven in the Countie of Yorke yeoman being of good and perfect memorie (thanks be to God) not withstanding some weakness and imbecilitie of bodie doe make ordeine and declare this my final testament conteining herein my whole and last will concerning my goods and Chattels in manner and form followeing That is to saie first and principallie I Commend my soule into the hands of almighty God my most loueing and mercifull Father beleuieing to have full and free remission and forgiueness of all my sinnes and offences through the death and passion of his sonne Jesus Christ my sauiour and redeemer And my bodie to bee buried att the Parrish Church of Thornton aforesaid amongst the bodies of the faithfull trusting with them to haue a ioyful resurrection And concerning my worldlie goods which God of his great goodness hath blessed me with in this world It is my will and mynd that First and above all things my true and lawful debtes which I owe to anie person or persons in right and Conscience and be truelie paid and discharged forth of my whole goods and secondlie that I bee honestlie brought forth of my said goods according to my degree and calling in the discretion of my Executors hereafter named Alsoe it is my will and meaning that my said goods shall be devided into three equall parts whereof the first parte belongeth unto myselfe the second part unto Elline my loueing wife and the third part belongeth unto Jonathan Fairebanke Marie Fairbanke Suzanna Fairebank and Abigall Fairebanke sonne and daughters of mee the said John Fairebanke. Now touching my third part of goods It is my will and mind and I doe hereby give and bequeath thereof unto Sara Crooke daughter of James Crooke my sonne in lawe the some of Fortie pounds to be paid unto her the said Sara (by my Executor hereafter named) when she shall accomplish her full age of twentie and one yeares if she be then liueing And it is my will and mynd that Ellin my wife shall haue th education and bringing uppe of the said Sara until shee come to her said age of one and twentie yeares Provided always that if it shall fortune that the said Sara to decease before she shall accomplishe her said age of twentie and one yeares Then it is my will and mynd and I doe hereby give and bequeath the said some of Fortie poundes unto the said Marie Fairebank Susanna & Abigall Fairebank equallie amongst them or to soe many of them as shall be then liuing. Thr rest of my parte of goodes I give totallie and wholie unto Elline my said wife Alsoe it is my will and mynd that the said Ellin my wife shall have the rule governement education Custodie and bringing upp of my said children Marie Fairebank Suzanne and Abigall and of their seueral portions and Childs part of goodes until they shall seuerallie accomplishe their full age of twentie and onr yeares And it is my will and mynd that if the said Ellin shall fortune to die before my said Children shall haue accomplished there full age of twentie and one yeares Then it shall be lawfull for the said Ellin my wife by her last will and testament in writing or by anie other her Act in writing executed in her life time to assigne and appointe the education Custodie and bringing upp of my said Children Marie Fairebanke Susanna and Abigall Fairebanke and of their seuerall portions to anie person or persons until they shall have accomplished their said age of twentie and one yeares As my wife in her discretion shall thinke conueniente and necessarie And it is my will and mynd That George Fairbanke Michaell Fairbanke and Jeremie Fairebanke my sonnes shall haue noe part of my goods for that I haue and do intend sufficientlie to preferred them with my lands And of this my last will and testament I doe make and appoint the said Ellin my wife sole executrix trusting and desireing her that she will trulie execute and performe the same according to my true intent and meaning and hereunto I haue putt my hand and seale the daie and yeare above said Witnesses hereof John Blakoy Lawrence Hartley and William Illingworth |
Burial |
7 Aug 1625 |
Thornton in Craven, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [1] |
Probate/Proved |
3 Nov 1625 (65 years) |
Thornton in Craven, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [1] |
Siblings |
2 brothers, 5 sisters and 1 person of an unknown gender |
+ | 1. Genet Fairbanke, c. 26 Apr 1552, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  ▻ James Gawkroger Platts, m. 2 Dec 1571 | | 2. Genet Fairbanke, c. 28 Jul 1556, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  | | 3. Maria Fairbanke, c. 18 May 1558, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  | + | 4. John Fairebanke, b. Abt 1560, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England bur. 7 Aug 1625, Thornton in Craven, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 65 years) ▻ first wife; Isabel Stancliffe, m. 6 Aug 1593 ; Ellen Parker, m. 28 Aug 1598 | | 5. Dorothy Fairbanke, b. 1560, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England bur. 24 May 1562, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 2 years) | | 6. George Fairbanke, c. 2 Aug 1562, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England bur. 21 Mar 1619/20, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 57 years) ▻ Isabel Bannister, m. 29 Jul 1582 ; Susan Bentley; Hester Denton | | 7. Robert Fairbanke, c. 8 Dec 1566, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  | | 8. Susan Fairbanke, c. 5 Jun 1569, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  | | 9. baby Fairbanke, b. May 1572, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England bur. 21 May 1573, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 1 years) | |
Patriarch & Matriarch |
William Fairebanke, b. Abt 1455, England d. 1518, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  (Age 63 years) (2 x Great Grandfather) Sybil Waide, b. 1532, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England d. May 1573, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England  (Age 41 years) (Mother)  |
Person ID |
I222 |
| Roy Line, Boudreau Line |
Last Modified |
31 May 2021 |
Family 1 |
first wife d. Bef 6 Aug 1593 [1]
Children |
3 sons and 1 daughter |
| 1. Mary Fairebanke, c. 22 Sep 1583, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 2. John Fairebanke, c. 7 Aug 1586, Halifax, Yorkshire, England [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | | 3. George Fairebanke, c. 24 Nov 1588, Halifax, Yorkshire, England [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 4. Joseph Fairebanke, c. 2 Aug 1590, Halifax, Yorkshire, England bur. 6 Sept. 1591, Halifax, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 1 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | |
Family ID |
F9070 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
31 May 2021 |
Family 2 |
Isabel Stancliffe, c. 8 May 1556, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England bur. 9 Jul 1597, Halifax, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 41 years) [1]
Marriage |
6 Aug 1593 |
Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England [1, 2] |
Age at Marriage |
He : ~ 33 years and 8 months - She : 37 years and 3 months. |
Children |
1 son and 1 daughter |
+ | 1. Jonathan Fayrbank, b. Abt 1595, Halifax, Yorkshire, England d. 5 Dec 1668, Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts (Age 73 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 2. Susan Fairebanke, c. 18 May 1595, Halifax, Yorkshire, England bur. 18 Nov 1605, Halifax, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 10 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | |
Family ID |
F265 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
31 May 2021 |
Family 3 |
Ellen Parker bur. 18 Oct 1643, Colne, Lancashire, England [1]
Marriage |
28 Aug 1598 |
Burnley, Lancashire, England [1] |
- They were married by license. [1]
Age at Marriage |
He : ~ 38 years and 8 months - She : ??. |
Children |
3 sons and 5 daughters |
| 1. Helen Fairebanke, c. 29 May 1599, Halifax, Yorkshire, England bur. 3 Jun 1599, Halifax, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 0 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | | 2. Joseph Fairebanke, c. 29 Jun 1600, Halifax, Yorkshire, England bur. 12 Jul 1600, Halifax, Yorkshire, England (Age ~ 0 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | | 3. Anna Fairebanke, c. 31 May 1601, Halifax, Yorkshire, England d. Before 4 Aug 1625 (Age ~ 24 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 4. Michael Fairebanke, c. 25 Oct 1603, Halifax, Yorkshire, England [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth] | | 5. Mary Fairebanke, b. About 1605 [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 6. Jeremy Fairebanke, c. 23 Oct 1608, Carleton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, England bur. 29 Aug 1637, Colne, Lancashire, England (Age ~ 28 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 7. Susanna Fairebanke, c. 5 Jan 1611/12, Carleton-in-Craven, Yorkshire, England d. Before 28 May 1650 (Age ~ 38 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| | 8. Abigail Fairebanke, b. About 1614, Lancashire, England d. Bef 28 May 1650 (Age 36 years) [Father: Birth] [Mother: Birth]
| |
Family ID |
F267 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
31 May 2021 |